Town of Gawler

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Town of Gawler. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and local government office. You can find Town of Gawler at 43 High Street, Gawler East, South Australia 5118.


Postal address:
43 High Street, Gawler East, South Australia 5118
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Phone number:
+61 8 8522 9211

Official website:

Establishment   Local government office  

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Town of Gawler

  • Ann Johns
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    where's all the tax payers money going in Gawler it's a dirty untidy rundown The footpaths are crappie the roads are crappie the trees and gardens are all straggly and crappie just like the rest of the town the Main Street is crappie the traffic needs to get bypassed away from the Main Street 90% of the traffic that go through the Main Street never stop the Main Street should be made into a one way Street with speed bumps to reduce unwanted traffic and would also allow to make more parking spaces for people that do want to go shopping in the street come on Gawler council get off your rear ends and fix this town up it's a complete eyesore to anyone it's just a very disgusting looking town I have spoken to tourists and other residents that have said the town is not what they thought it would be it's dirty run down and in need of serious repair everywhere in the town ask them your self if you don't believe it get out of your office and take a good look of the town it's disgusting there are smaller towns with less income that look loads better then Gawler what is the tax payers money being used for this needs to be spread around I will be writing to higher up and I will keep going up till something starts getting done with this town
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Rural living, modern amenities | Town of Gawler
The benefits of country living, town services and easy access to large city facilities while residing in an area combining heritage and modern amenities.

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Weather today in Gawler East

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